Attracting clients - additional resources

  • Drobnik, A., Judd, C., Banach, D., Egger, J., Konty, K., & Rude, E. (2011). Public health implications of rapid hepatitis C screening with an oral swab for community-based organizations serving high-risk populations. American Journal of Public Health, 101(11), 2151–2155.
  • Fernàndez-Lopez, L., Rifà, B., Pujol, F., Becerra, J., Pérez, M., Meroño, Casabona, J. (2010). Impact of the introduction of rapid HIV testing in the voluntary counselling and testing sites network of Catalonia, Spain. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 21(6), 388–391.
  • Terlikbayeva A, Zhussupov B, Primbetova S, Gilbert L, Atabekov N, Giyasova G, Ruziev M, Soliev A, Saliev D, El-Bassel N. Access to HIV counseling and testing among people who inject drugs in Central Asia: strategies for improving access and linkages to treatment and care. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013 Nov;132 Suppl 1:S61-4.
  • Ti L, Kerr T. Task shifting redefined: removing social and structural barriers to improve delivery of HIV services for people who inject drugs. Harm Reduct J. 2013; 10: 20.
Published: 2022
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